How Long Does a Divorce Take?
Divorce cases can take anywhere from three months to two years, but it’s best to aim for the lower end of that spectrum. You can consult a Newton Divorce Lawyer for a quick, amicable divorce, and it can be more financially feasible for you than dragging out the process.
Divorce is never easy, but it’s essential to simplify the process by negotiating quickly and accepting unfavorable agreements if they are offered because it saves time – time that could be spent with your kids. It isn’t worth sacrificing the end goal of a quick divorce if you can achieve it in less time.
Many factors can affect how long things take, such as:
The need for child support:
If you are concerned that you cannot afford child support, look for mediation (and possibly some compromise) before you file for divorce. Whether or not your spouse is required by law to pay child support will help determine how long the matter will take in court.
The court system:
If your case is assigned to a busy court, it may take longer to be scheduled, and then it may take longer for the judge to make a decision. It can help to go back to mediation or try for some settlement during this time.
The complexity of your issues:
If there are many support issues such as custody and child support, you need to know what you will be involved with before relying on a quick divorce.
The agreement of your spouse:
If your spouse is in a position to make a lot of money and can afford to put up with the legal fees, he may be willing to accept an unfavorable agreement. If the spouse needs an uncontested divorce to move on with her life, she may be happy to settle for less than what you would want.
The ability of the lawyer:
The lawyer’s experience, knowledge, and negotiation skills significantly affect how long things take — just like everything else in family court. If you know someone very experienced in these matters, ask for help or hire that person if he is available.
How much time is needed for discovery:
If lawyers need a lot of time to review financial issues or other important issues, they will most likely take more time, but they can spend that time preparing instead of waiting in the courtroom if it is an uncontested case.
Divorce is not a one-day event, and it should be conducted as carefully as possible. It is a court process that ends the legal relationship of two people under state law. It allows for adjustments to custody and support orders and other financial and custodial arrangements.