How to Choose the Right Night Vision Scope for Coyote Hunting

Coyotes, known to be quick and elusive predators, make for a challenging hunt. To add to the difficulty, they are mostly active at night when visibility is low. Fortunately, hunters can leverage technology to enhance their hunting experience by using night vision scopes. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on how hunters can best utilize night vision scope for coyote hunting.
1. Choose the right night vision scope
The first step in utilizing night vision scopes for coyote hunting is selecting the right one. Night vision scopes come in different generations ranging from basic to advanced. The higher the generation, the better the image quality and price. Most night vision scopes are classified in generation 1 to 3 categories, with Gen 3 being the most advanced. Within these categories, hunters can choose between thermal or digital night vision scopes.
Thermal scopes detect heat signatures and display them as bright images, while digital night scopes use image intensification technology. Both options have their advantages, but digital night vision scope for coyote hunting. They are relatively affordable, easy to use, and offer excellent image clarity.
2. Master the use of night vision scopes
Learning to use a night vision scope can take time. The buttons, settings, and operating system can differ between models; therefore, hunters should take time to familiarize themselves with the device before diving into the hunt. Once you have the basics covered, try out different settings; make sure to use the right settings for the hunting conditions.
It’s also essential to zero in a night vision scope for more consistent shots. Zeroing in is the process of aligning the scope’s reticle with the bullet’s point of impact. It’s best to do this during daylight, or through the use of a bore-sighter. Once zeroed in, the scope is more reliable and assists hunters in taking accurate shots, increasing the chances of a successful hunt.
3. Pick the right caliber rifle
Picking the right caliber rifle is equally as important as choosing the right night vision scope. The caliber rifle typically used for coyote hunting is .223 Remington since it’s lightweight, easy to handle, and has low recoil. However, hunters can also use a .243 Winchester, .22-250 Remington, or a .308 Winchester. Rifles that are too heavy or have excessive recoil will affect accuracy and fatigue hunters.
4. Hunt with a partner
Hunting with a partner is a great way to utilize night vision scopes. Hunting at night on your own can be dangerous; therefore, it’s best to have a partner that can assist in spotting coyotes that are out of range or coming in from a different direction. This gives hunters more time to prepare for a shot, enhances safety, and makes hunting more fun.
5. Learn which techniques work best
Lastly, hunters should be aware of which techniques work best when hunting coyotes. Some hunters opt to call in coyotes, while others prefer to use spotlights to locate them. Although these methods can be useful, utilizing a night vision scope is a more effective technique, as it allows hunters to spot coyotes at a distance without scaring them off.
Coyote hunting can be a tricky endeavor, especially when done at night. However, with the right equipment and techniques, hunters can improve their chances of a successful hunt. The tips outlined above can aid hunters in their pursuit of coyotes, ensuring that they make the most of their night vision scopes. Ultimately, utilizing night vision scopes for coyote hunting is about making the hunt safer, more enjoyable, and more successful.