Suggestionsto choose best Prescription Acne Cream
An acne cream prescribed by a doctor has two basic objectives: to reduce oil production while also preventing the growth of new acne lesions. All of the ingredients in a prescription acne treatment cream are either over the counter or available only through a medical professional’s prescription. These drugs function by suppressing the growth of bacteria on the skin’s surface and sealing skin pores, so lowering the number of blemishes on the skin and preventing the formation of new ones. There are, however, certain possible adverse effects to consider.
A prescription acne cream contains a potent substance that is effective in the fight against acne. It comprises tretinoin, a more potent version of benzoyl peroxide, or an antibiotic known as clindamycin, among other ingredients. While this medicine can help to reduce inflammation, it does not have the effect of clearing pores. In order to combat this, it is frequently administered in conjunction with topical medicines. You obtain the maximum benefit from a prescription acne cream, make sure to apply it according to the directions provided by your healthcare provider.
Acne creams prescribed by a doctor can be extremely beneficial. Benzoyl peroxide is present in high concentration in these products, and they can be used alone or in combination with topical benzoyl peroxide to treat acne. The use of these therapies on broken skin or within the mouth is not recommended. After using these products, you should always wash your face completely with lots of water to remove any residue. Despite the fact that topical acne drugs are less irritating than gels, they can still have certain side effects, such as drying out the skin and causing it to become dry. You should check with a dermatologist in order to determine the appropriate dosage for your situation.
A prescription acne cream is not intended to be used in place of acne medication. The most effective therapy for acne is often a prescription topical treatment, which may be obtained through your doctor. It can assist you in getting rid of your acne as quickly and naturally as possible. An antibiotic may also be used in conjunction with a prescription topical treatment to combat the infection from the inside out, if necessary. Not only would using an antibiotic in conjunction with a prescription acne cream assist in speeding up the healing process, but it will also make you look and feel more youthful.
It is possible that your doctor will prescribe you an oral or topical medicine if your acne is severe. You will be prescribed a prescription acne cream by your dermatologist that has a high dose of retinol or benzoyl peroxide for the course of your therapy. These medications will aid in the reduction of germs and oil production in the skin. A prescription acne cream will also aid in the removal of scars from the skin and the reduction of skin sensitivity to sunlight.
When used in conjunction with a prescription acne treatment, prescription acne creams can be quite successful. In addition to prescribing prescription acne treatments, doctors can also prescribe topical antibiotics for the treatment of acne. These drugs are more successful than over-the-counter treatments in treating their respective conditions.